• MEDIA: Sen. Roger Marshall: Democrats Want Open Border to 'Build Their

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 24 11:48:50 2024
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Hannah Bleu
    on whether Casey and Ron DeSantis considered launching a whisper
    campaign against Donald Trump with the help of Lachlan Murdoch's
    FoxNews.COM insinuating that Trump was bribe or blackmailed into
    endorsing Mitch McConnell for Republican.Senate.GOV <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/03/15/exclusive-sen-roger-marshall-democrats-want-open-border-build-their-census/>
    | When asked by host Mike Slater why Democrats are opposing these
    | legitimate efforts to secure the border and export criminal illegal
    | aliens out of the country, Marshall said Democrats are actually
    | trying to "build their census."
    | "It is absolutely to build their census, so they can have more
    | people," he explained. "So when they do the census, the amount of
    | government resources that are resources that go to your district is
    | based upon that census, and they're gonna be voting illegally."
    | "And you know, so they help to grow their electoral college as well.
    | California and New York are hemorrhaging people -- people that are
    | leaving because they're tired of the violence. So they're trying to
    | backfill that so they keep the number of congressional seats, which
    | adds to their electoral college," he said, concluding that it is
    | absolutely "politically motivated."

    Does Trump plan to re-hire Amy Swonger as his liaison with
    Congress.GOV and does she recommend Trump endorse NRSC.ORG's Steve
    Daines to replace McConnell?

    "Donald Trump Jr. has repeatedly shared deepfakes from accounts that
    have received *signed hats and thank you letters from Trump himself*
    for this stuff. But I never heard a word from the people crying
    about DeSantis now. It's almost like it's fake outrage from
    desperate grifters. https://t.co/G3VA0KZ2IO" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1666871069251076105>

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