• MEDIA: Lara Logan, MSM "Errors," Dueling Surveys, And Chicago Homeless

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 24 11:49:13 2024
    VDare's Former Agent on whether Casey and Ron DeSantis brainstormed
    lines of attack and leaked their ideas to David McIntosh's Club for
    Growth to make Donald Trump regret taking Jared Kushner's advice to
    downplay the National Question against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: <URL:https://vdare.com/posts/immigration-headlines-6-items-lara-logan-msm-errors-dueling-surveys-and-chicago-homeless-vs-venezuelan-illegals-etc>
    | Don't let go of your fear, liberals! The Nazis are coming, aka Trump
    | supporters. Heaven forefend but Trump may actually start enforcing
    | the law on the books and deport people! We can't have that. Where
    | other news outlets are reporting that immigration is the top concern
    | of Republicans, The Hill is reporting that "extremism" is the top
    | concern of Democrats and some independents. Better stoke up the fear
    | in anticipation of the election. Meanwhile, National Review quotes a
    | Gallup poll that makes it sound like immigration really is the top
    | concern of most Americans [Immigration Surges to Americans' Top
    | Concern for First Time in Five Years, by James Lynch, February 27,
    | 2024]. Who do you believe? My personal opinion, the Democrats are
    | getting in front of the problem of immigration and trying to
    | distract the American public with fear. It worked during the last
    | presidential election (along with voter fraud), why wouldn't it work
    | now?

    Does Susie Wiles sees signs in her (or Bill Stepien before her (or
    Brad Parscale before him)) internal polling that legacy American
    proles are wary of their and their posterity's dispossession?
    "Bud Light -- the official beer of the Trump campaign.
    https://t.co/YToQpWbtgc" - Mark Krikorian <URL:https://twitter.com/MarkSKrikorian/status/1653542559287787520>

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