• Illegal migrant from Lebanon caught at border admitted he's a Hezbollah

    From Leroy N. Soetoro@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 20 19:31:49 2024
    XPost: ny.politics, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns
    XPost: alt.society.liberalism, sac.politics

    A Lebanese migrant who was caught sneaking over the border admitted he’s a member of Hezbollah, he hoped to make a bomb, and his destination was New
    York, The Post can reveal.

    Basel Bassel Ebbadi, 22, was caught by border patrol on March 9 near El
    Paso, Texas. While in custody he asked what he was doing in the US, to
    which he replied: “I’m going to try to make a bomb,” according to a Border Patrol document exclusively obtained by The Post.

    But Ebbadi later claimed in an interview that he had been trying to flee Lebanon and Hamas because he “didn’t want to kill people” and said “once
    you’re in in, you can never get out,” according to internal ICE documents.

    Ebbadi said in a sworn interview after his arrest that he had trained with Hezbollah for seven years and served as an active member guarding weapons locations for another four years, the documents show.

    Ebbadi’s training focused on “jihad” and killing people “that was not
    Muslim,” he said.

    Border agents continue to see a surge in migrants whose names appear on
    the terror watchlist entering the US illegally as crossings continue at
    record levels.

    Hezbollah, an Iran-backed terror group, has launched missiles into
    northern Israel following Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7 that have killed about a dozen IDF soldiers and seven civilians.

    Ebbadi didn’t have documents when he entered the US, claiming they were
    robbed “with a knife” while he was in Costa Rica, according to the ICE documents.

    He also admitted to using a fake birthday and name in Sweden, in Ecuador — where he claimed his father resides — and Panama this year.

    He said he had originally hoped to go to New York and then move around the country.

    Ebbadi was immediately placed into isolation and was referred for an
    interview with the Tactical Terrorism Response Team (TTRT) for making “terroristic threats to personnel.”

    Internal documents show he was marked for deportation from the US,
    although it was not clear which country he would be returned to.

    Border agents recorded 98 encounters of terror watchlisted individuals at
    both the northern and southern borders in fiscal year 2022, an almost
    twice as many, 172, in the 2023 fiscal year which ends September 20.

    So far in the first four months of 2024, 59 people have been apprehended, according to federal data.

    The total number of terror watchlisted encounters between fiscal years
    2017 and 2021 amounted to just 30 people, but after that time the criteria
    for being on the list, which has never been disclosed, was expanded.

    Just days before former President Donald Trump’s recent visit to Eagle
    Pass, Texas, a terror-watchlisted migrant crossed into the area illegally, according to an internal agency memo The Post obtained.

    Colombian national Carlos Obed Yepez-Bedoya, 40, was first apprehended by
    the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), which handed him into the
    custody of Border Patrol.

    Border agents made the determination about Yepez-Bedoya’s alleged terror

    “This underscores the need for border security measures as potential
    threats to both public safety and national security are evident and
    exploit security vulnerabilities,” Texas DPS Lt. Chris Olivarez told The
    Post at the time.

    “The federal government has failed to enact border security measures, and
    the state of Texas, through Governor Abbott’s Operation Lone Star, will continue to take unprecedented action to help secure the border,” Olivarez said.

    https://nypost.com/2024/03/17/us-news/illegal-migrant-from-lebanon- admitted-terror-ties/

    We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that
    stupid people won't be offended.

    Durham Report: The FBI has an integrity problem. It has none.

    No collusion - Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III, March 2019.
    Officially made Nancy Pelosi a two-time impeachment loser.

    Thank you for cleaning up the disaster of the 2008-2017 Obama / Biden
    fiasco, President Trump.

    Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
    The World According To Garp. Obama sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
    queer liberal democrat donors.

    President Trump boosted the economy, reduced illegal invasions, appointed dozens of judges and three SCOTUS justices.

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