• MEDIA: Biden Screams, Calls His Political Enemies Dumb in Unhinged Stat

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Mar 19 11:08:28 2024
    Town Hall's Matt Vespa on whether Casey DeSantis considered launching
    a whisper campaign against Donald Trump via Lachlan Murdoch's
    FoxNews.COM insinuating that Trump was bribed or blackmailed by
    Vladimir Putin into endorsing Mitch McConnell and Jim Lankford for Republicans.Senate.GOV: <URL:https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2024/03/08/biden-screams-and-calls-his-political-enemies-dumb-in-unhinged-state-of-the-union-address-n2636264>
    | On border security, the president remains blind that his reversal of
    | critical Trump executive orders is what caused us to lose
    | operational control. Biden called the stalled border security
    | package conservative because it provided more funds for judges and
    | agents--all of which would have helped ferry people in instead of
    | keeping people out and deporting them, which needs to happen. It
    | also contained a pathway to citizenship for unvetted Afghan refugees
    | and provided legal status to the children on H-1B visas, who lose
    | their deportation protections around age 21. It was also a Ukraine
    | bill, Joe. Of the $117 billion, only around $20 billion was for
    | border security.

    Did David McIntosh's Club for Growth consider buying advertisements
    on Murdoch's network reminding legacy American proles that Trump was
    in favor of importing future Omar Mateens following Joe Biden's
    withdraw from Kabul?

    "The similarities between the Soros plan and the Platinum Plan that
    Kushner pushed and Trump promoted were not a coincidence. It's also
    notable that Kushner was the de facto campaign manager of Trump's
    reelection bid. Are people surprised it was a wreck
    https://t.co/HtEjCCeAL0" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1626809685549494272>

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