• MEDIA: Action on border security bill would be a great first step, but

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 9 10:38:35 2024
    Kip Eideberg for The Hill on whether Casey DeSantis laments that Ron
    failed to find a funder among Miriam Adelson, Robert Bigelow, Walter
    Buckley, Betsy DeVos, Ken Griffin, Julia Koch, Bernie Marcus, Lachlan
    Murdoch, Thomas Peterffy, Bruce Rauner, Chris Reyes, David Sacks and
    Steve Wynn to buy advertisements on Murdoch's FoxNews.COM with the
    likes of Mike Emmons warning legacy American proles that Donald Trump
    will sign bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform passed by the
    likes of Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell so long as the Cheap Labor
    Lobby authors include the magic words: "merit-based": <URL:https://thehill.com/opinion/4466035-action-on-border-security-bill-would-be-a-great-first-step-but-manufacturers-need-a-deal-now/>
    | The Senate's bipartisan border security and immigration bill
    | included many positive pieces, and Sens. James Lankford (R-Okla.),
    | Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), and Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) should be
    | applauded for their courageous leadership. This bill is the best
    | chance we have had in years to begin to fix our broken immigration
    | system and secure our border. But that does not make for good
    | politics in an election year. It is no longer Morning in America.
    | That message has no credibility. The only argument that seems to
    | resonate with most lawmakers is, as Dick Gephardt once said, "It is
    | near midnight in America, and it is getting darker every minute."

    Will Trump re-hire Amy Swonger to liason with Johnson's House.GOV and McConnell's Senate.GOV and does Swonger recommend that Trump endorse
    NRSC.ORG's Steve Daines to succeed McConnell?

    "Trump and his camp are the greatest obstacles to opposing the most
    radical tendencies of the left. They're trying to sell you
    yesterday's radicalism and social revolution as today's "moderate"
    position. And they're using leftist slurs to do it." - Pedro

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