• MEDIA: Draining the Pentagon Swamp

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 6 20:39:41 2024
    Josiah Lippincott and Paul Ingrassia for Claremont's American Mind
    on whether Donald Trump will nominate Michael Flynn to his cabinet
    and whether Mitch McConnell will consent: <URL:https://americanmind.org/salvo/draining-the-pentagon-swamp/>
    | Instead of focusing on distant threats on the Asian landmass, the
    | United States should focus its resources on sharply reducing illegal
    | immigration across our southern border. The U.S.-Mexico border
    | should be militarized. Troops should be deployed along the border
    | and all necessary funds directed to constructing the rest of the
    | border wall. Every military aged male who illegally crosses our
    | borders is a violent felon, and potential domestic terrorist threat.
    | These individuals can be treated as unlawful combatants and
    | partisans who have waived all the rights of the Geneva Convention
    | that apply to uniformed combatants. The government under Trump
    | therefore will have full discretion to use military tribunals to
    | punish drug dealers and human traffickers who cross our borders.

    Does Amy Swonger recommend that Trump endorse NRSC.ORG's Steve Daines
    to succeed McConnell?
    "Stone is an informal but influential adviser to Trump's 2024
    campaign. He's also Ali's mentor. https://t.co/KvnLdICnQ0" - Pedro

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