• MEDIA: Sen. Mitch McConnell Defends Migration Bill Fiasco

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 2 23:34:16 2024
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
    on whether Casey DeSantis considered bolstering Ron's path to
    WhiteHouse.GOV by tasking David McIntosh's Club for Growth to run advertisements on Lachlan Murdoch's FoxNews.COM insinuating that
    Vladimir Putin blackmailed or bribed Donald Trump to endorse the likes
    of Mitch McConnell and Jim Lankford: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/2024-election/2024/02/07/sen-mitch-mcconnell-defends-migration-bill-fiasco/>
    | Democrats are also trying to reframe the national disagreement over
    | the establishment's nation-changing economic policy of extraction
    | migration as a sordid battle between noble Beltway politicians and
    | Trump, the chaotic outsider.
    | "If the bill fails, I want to be absolutely clear about something,"
    | Biden told reporters at the White House on February 6:
    || The American people are going to know why it fails. I'll be
    || taking this issue to the country ... Every day between now and
    || November, the American people are going to know that the only reason
    || the border is not secure is Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican
    || friends.
    | The fiasco leaves McConnell in a weakened position as he nears his
    | eighty-second birthday and as his three top deputies jockey to win
    | the top spot once GOP senators have to vote for a new leader. The
    | collapse of the migration plan "wasn't good for him," Sen. Tommy
    | Tuberville (R-AL) told Politico. "I'm not gonna say he's the total
    | cause of it, but we got to have a better plan."

    Does Amy Swonger recommend Trump endorse Steve Daines to succeed
    McConnell at Senate.GOV?

    "Trump, of course, pushed for hundreds of billions in reparations,
    too. He has that in common with Newsom. https://t.co/zpQ8d7d4rj https://t.co/KAvWB4p51p" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1645954428468338688>

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