• MEDIA: Senate releases $118 billion package with border reforms, aid fo

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 19 13:25:02 2024
    Lachlan Murdoch's guest NYPost.COM blogger, Josh Christenson on whether
    Casey DeSantis recommended that Ron enlist David McIntosh's Club for
    Growth to run advertisements on Murdoch's FoxNews.COM with the likes of
    Mike Emmons warning legacy American proles that Donald Trump will sign comprehensive bipartisan immigration reform legislations passed by the
    likes of Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell so long as the Cheap Labor
    Lobby authors include the magic words: "merit-based" <URL:https://nypost.com/2024/02/04/news/senators-release-a-118-billion-package-that-pairs-border-policies-with-aid-for-ukraine-and-israel/
    | The bill also extends an additional 50,000 work visas to the family
    | members of migrants, as well as to those of H-1B highly skilled tech
    | immigrant workers.
    | Republicans who were skeptical of the border deal denounced it
    | Sunday evening in posts on X, with Mike Lee of Utah calling it "an
    | elaborate practical joke."
    | "Looks like we are codifying the Biden Asylum Rule: you don't even
    | have to go before an immigration judge to be granted asylum," he
    | added in comments on several provisions. "Biden can say anything is
    | in the 'national interest' and thereby suspend the 'border emergency
    | authority.' Don't pretend to be surprised when he does. Or better
    | yet--don't pass this hot mess!"

    Will Trump hire Amy Swonger to pitch America First legislation to
    Johnson and McConnell's Congress.GOV and will the Cheap Labor Lobby
    permit passage?

    "Byron, Trump is trashing Florida, calling it one of the worst
    states in the country, which means you and the other Republicans who
    endorsed him would be responsible for the ruination of Florida. Are
    you going to push back on Trump or is what he said true?" - Pedro

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