• MEDIA: Brownstone Institute's President Jeffrey A. Tucker Sees Coordina

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 16 12:35:43 2024
    VDare's Patrick Cleburne on whether Susie Wiles' (or Bill Stepien
    before her (or Brad Parscale before him)) see signs in focus group
    responses that Donald Trump erred in taking Jared Kushner's advice
    to downplay the National Question on the campaign trail against Joe
    Biden and Kamala Harris: <URL:https://vdare.com/posts/brownstone-institute-s-president-jeffrey-a-tucker-sees-coordinated-msm-repression-of-border-news-but-vdare-sees-hope>
    | Tucker is outraged that repression of news of such existential
    | importance to the Nation should be so blatantly repressed. But it is
    | working. In his recent Political Cesspool podcast Peter Brimelow
    | noted that his Dallas-based father-in-law has told of him of a
    | prominent local lawyer whom he recently found totally ignorant of
    | the Border situation. In Texas!
    | News repression and Lawfare make a grim outlook.

    Does Wiles believe the 2024 election will be a referendum on whether
    legacy American proles favor their dispossession?
    "More powerful than "Puritanism" More powerful than the Bush family
    More powerful than zionism (DeSantis makes Trump look like a
    Palestine supporter)" - Second City Bureaucrat <URL:https://twitter.com/CityBureaucrat/status/1638910268464852995>

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