• MEDIA: Biden administration ends gaming of H-1B system; passport to be

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 9 11:57:43 2024
    Via Brave,
    see Times of India's Lubna Kably on whether Casey DeSantis kicks
    herself for failing to convince Ron that they should prioritize
    convincing David McIntosh's Club for Growth to buy campaign ads on
    Lachlan Murdoch's FoxNews.COM featuring the likes of Mike Emmons
    lamenting to Iowans that Donald Trump lowered the barrier to entry to
    the Cheap Labor Lobby's scab worker import quota lottery: <URL:https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/biden-administration-ends-gaming-of-h1b-system-passport-to-be-unique-identifier-and-one-entry-per-individual-in-lottery/articleshow/107287894.cms>
    | Now, under the beneficiary-centric system which kicks in for the
    | upcoming H-1B season, a foreign national's passport or valid travel
    | document will be required for an H-1B cap registration submission on
    | their behalf. This document will be used as the beneficiary's unique
    | identifier. Each beneficiary will only be entered into the H-1B cap
    | lottery selection process once, regardless of how many E-
    | registrations were submitted on their behalf. The new rules will be
    | published in the Federal Register on Feb 2 and take effect 30 days
    | later, before the FY 2025 H-1B cap registration system opens.

    Will Trump nominate Ken Cuccinelli to succeed Ur M Jaddou at USCIS.GOV
    and will Mitch McConnell consent?
    "That Pompeo would turn on Trump is the most obvious development in
    the universe, and not just because of Pompeo's grandiose ambitions.
    It was inevitable because Pompeo totally rejects every positive
    development of the Trump realignment. The man who was the top
    Congressional recipient of Koch-linked money in 2010, 2012, 2014,
    and 2016 did not suddenly pivot to populism; what he pivoted to was
    keeping his own career alive." - Darren Beattie <URL:https://www.revolver.news/2023/03/yes-mike-pompeo-sucks/>

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