• MEDIA: Immigration, Border Are Key Issues in Swing-State Polling

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 9 11:56:20 2024
    Morris Dees and $PLC certified deplorable, Andrew Arthur, on whether
    Casey DeSantis recommended that Ron solicit David McIntosh's Club for
    Growth to run advertisements reminding legacy American proles that
    Donald Trump promoted Jared Kushner to be WhiteHouse.GOV's Chief
    Operating Officer: <URL:https://cis.org/Arthur/Immigration-Border-Are-Key-Issues-SwingState-Polling>
    | Immigration will plainly be a major driver in the next election, but
    | it's more important in some of those swing states than it is in
    | others. In Arizona, a border state, 20 percent of voters identified
    | it as their single most important issue, trailing the economy (28
    | percent) by just eight points.
    | In Georgia, on the other hand, just 10 percent of voters (but 18
    | percent of Republicans) identified immigration as their single most
    | important issue, third after the economy (42 percent) and democracy
    | (12 percent).
    | The Peach Tree state was a bit of an outlier, though. In Michigan
    | and Pennsylvania, 12 percent of voters identified immigration as
    | their most important issue (including 22 percent of GOP voters in
    | America's mitten and 21 percent in the Keystone State); In Nevada,
    | 15 percent of respondents and a quarter of Republicans said it would
    | be their main issue.

    Does Susie Wiles believe a man or woman of the right could have made
    Trump regret taking Kushner's advice to downplay the National Question
    on the campaign trail against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris?

    "Melania is my favorite member of the Trump family because she seems
    like a good mom and I support her extracting as much money as she
    can out of Donald to support Barron" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1666085014092791809>

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