• MEDIA: Lankford's Border Deal Protects Biden's 'Parole Migration' Givea

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu Feb 8 12:08:59 2024
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
    on whether Casey DeSantis regrets that Ron was unable to convince
    David McIntosh's Club for Growth to buy advertisements on Lachlan
    Murdoch's FoxNews.COM reminding Iowans that Donald Trump dispatched
    Jared and Ivanka Kushner to Silicon Valley to sue for peace with the
    likes of Mark Zuckerberg: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2024/01/31/lankfords-border-deal-protects-bidens-parole-migration-giveaway-to-investors/>
    | The most important advocates for the parole programs are the West
    | Coast investors behind FWD.us, which mounted a high-pressure
    | lobbying campaign in January after media reports said the White
    | House was considering concessions. Since then, the bipartisan Senate
    | talks have been held up by the White House's opposition to
    | significant curbs on parole.
    | The FWD.us group was formed in 2013 by Mark Zuckerberg and other
    | tech-sector billionaires to promote the doomed "Gang of Eight" bill
    | that promised more labor and consumers to Wall Street investors. The
    | investors gain stock values when the government extracts workers,
    | renters, and consumers from poor countries for use in the United
    | States.

    Will Zuck again fortify the election against Orange Hitler?
    "There is something especially insulting about Trump making
    grandiose, megalomaniachal promises about things he has already
    failed at at president. It would be like Hoover running on zero
    unemployment." - Peter Spiliakos <URL:https://twitter.com/petespiliakos/status/1632176815312699392>

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