• MEDIA: US Launches In-Country H-1B Visa Pilot | Step-By-Step Guide To 5

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Feb 7 12:28:52 2024
    The anonymous Times of India hack on whether Susie Wiles recommends
    that Donald Trump enlist Narendra Modi as his MAGA surrogate for the
    National Question: <URL:https://www.timesnownews.com/world/us-launches-in-country-h-1b-visa-pilot-step-by-step-guide-to-5-week-program-article-107271750>
    | The US State Department stated on Monda that the pilot program is
    | soon going to accept applications from January 29, 2024, on a first-
    | receive and first-process basis. The process is expected to stretch
    | until April 1, 2024, or when all application slots are filled,
    | whichever comes first.
    | Notably, after nearly 20 long years the Biden Administration
    | currently running the White House has decided to allow for a limited
    | number of H-1B nonimmigrants to apply for the renewal of their visas
    | with much ease while sitting anywhere in the US.

    Will Trump nominate Mike Pompeo to succeed Tony Blinken at State.GOV
    and will Mitch McConnell consent?
    "President Trump Lays Out His Mass Deportation Plan "Under my
    leadership, we will use all necessary state, local, federal and
    military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation
    operation in American history." "We will pick them up, and we will
    throw them out of our... https://t.co/abFwpCeVxR" - Columbia Bugle <URL:https://twitter.com/ColumbiaBugle/status/1632168786169036802>

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