• MEDIA: Lankford: 'Internet Rumors' Driving Border Deal Skeptics

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 6 12:21:40 2024
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Jeff Poor
    on whether Casey DeSantis believes that Ron could have outflanked
    Donald Trump from the right on the National Question by warning
    legacy American proles that Trump endorsed Mitch McConnell and Jim
    Lankford: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2024/01/28/lankford-internet-rumors-driving-border-deal-skeptics/>
    | "The challenge that Senator Cruz has and a bunch of other folks is
    | they're so waiting to be able to read the bill on this and this has
    | been our great challenge of being able to fight through the final
    | words to be able to get the bill text out so people can hear it,"
    | Lankford said. "Right now, there's Internet rumors. It's all that
    | people are running. It would be absolutely absurd for me to agree to
    | 5,000 people a day. This bill focuses on getting us to zero illegal
    | crossings a day. There's no amnesty. It increases a number of Border
    | Patrol agents and it increases asylum officers. It increases
    | detention beds so we can quickly detain and then deport
    | individuals."

    Will Trump re-hire Amy Swonger to lead the effort to cement his
    agenda with legislation passed by McConnell's Senate.GOV and Mike
    Johnson's House.GOV and what will their donors allow them to pass?
    "Nobody in Upper Midwest or southeast working class communities--
    some of who were frogs--who went for Trump interprets tariffs as
    "socialism" or has any taste for the rhetoric of socialism. You
    don't have a large pool of millions of urban proles as existed in
    1930's" - Bronze Age Pervert <URL:https://twitter.com/bronzeagemantis/status/1629546393193922561>

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