• MEDIA: Sunday Talks - Senator Lankford Explains How Current Law Would S

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 5 11:56:21 2024
    The Last Refuge's Sundance on whether Casey DeSantis regrets that
    Ron was unable to leverage Jeff Roe's NeverBackDown.ORG for
    advertisements on Lachlan Murdoch's FoxNews.COM reminding legacy
    American proles that Donald Trump endorsed NRSC.ORG's Mitch McConnell
    and Jim Lankford: <URL:https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/01/28/sunday-talks-senator-lankford-explains-how-current-law-would-stop-border-crisis-and-new-law-will-stop-border-crisis/>
    | In his own words, Senator James Lankford says if President Trump was
    | president today the border crisis would not exist, because the
    | existing law would be enforced. Simultaneous to this, the same
    | Senator Lankford says the new law he proposes will create
    | significant border enforcement.
    | If the executive branch can ignore the current border enforcement
    | law (they can and do), what makes Lankford believe new legislation
    | will not be ignored by the same executive branch (they will)? This
    | non-pretending reality frames the essential point: the element of
    | "enforcement" is not within the legislative branch, so the entire
    | effort is a moot exercise.

    Will Trump re-hire Amy Swonger to sell his legislative priorities to McConnell's Senate.GOV and Mike Johnson's House.GOV?

    "@JillFilipovic But there was no surge in attacks on Asians in 2020
    when Trump talked about the "China virus" in the late winter. The
    CDC reports Asian homicide deaths fell 1% from 2019 to 2020, while
    black homicide deaths went up 36%. Anti-Asian attacks by blacks seem
    to surge in January 2021. https://t.co/kfGQzUQdei" - Steve Sailer <URL:https://twitter.com/Steve_Sailer/status/1630081430805164032>

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