• MEDIA: The North American Meat Grinder that Used to Be the USA

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 3 09:59:23 2024
    Chronicles' Pedro Gonzalez on whether Casey DeSantis advised Ron
    to request a grant from David McIntosh's Club for Growth to make
    Donald Trump regret his clemency for Sholom Rubashkin: <URL:https://chroniclesmagazine.org/web/the-north-american-meat-grinder-that-used-to-be-the-usa/>
    | Most of the coverage of this story has focused on the question of
    | labor violations. Federal law prohibits hiring anyone under 18 to
    | work in slaughterhouses due to the dangerous nature of the work. NBC
    | News reported that Perez was illegally hired through a third-party
    | staffing agency while posing as a 32-year-old man. An attorney for
    | the company told the outlet "they were surprised and somewhat
    | horrified" to learn the 16-year-old wasn't a 32-year-old. I imagine
    | they were as "surprised" and "somewhat horrified" as my wife is
    | whenever I find a stack of packages addressed to her on our porch.

    Will Trump nominate Tom Homan to succeed Patrick Lechleitner at
    ICE.GOV and will Mitch McConnell consent?
    "There is zero evidence that Trump had any influence on Twitter
    policies. On the other hand there are massive amounts of evidence
    that other politicians (including the Republican-Democrat duo of
    Richard Burr and Mark Warner) did have such influence... (1/2)" -
    Matt Taibbi

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