• MEDIA: Romney and Pro-Migration Senators Try to Revive McConnell's Bord

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 3 09:58:28 2024
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
    on whether Casey DeSantis regrets that Ron's path to WhiteHouse.GOV
    was dashed because of Ron's failure to obtain approval from David
    McIntosh's Club for Growth to deploy the likes of Mike Emmons to
    make Donald Trump regret dispatching Jared and Ivanka Kushner to
    Silicon Valley to sue for peace with the likes of Mark Zuckerberg: https://www.breitbart.com/2024-election/2024/01/25/romney-pro-migration-senators-try-revive-mcconnells-border-giveaway/>
    | Lobbyists are looking for alternative ways to preserve their
    | government-imported supply of workers, renters, and consumers.
    | "This moment was inevitable," tweeted Andrea Flores, a top lobbyist
    | for investors at FWD.us who profit from more migration:
    || Even when Trump's own policies were part of this deal, it wasn't
    || enough. It's time for Democrats to identify their own solutions at
    || the border and help Biden focus on developing a federal response to
    || the migrant crisis in cities.
    || Democrats need to stop letting Trump determine the policy
    || solutions in this moment, because once again - eliminating parole
    || and bringing back Title 42- will make the border worse. Dems have
    || better solutions than the ones comprising this deal, they just have
    || to start selling them
    | Biden's borders policies are now the top issue in U.S. politics,
    | according to a January 17-18 poll for Harvard University. The poll
    | reported that 57 percent of the voters said, "I miss Donald Trump's
    | policies on the economy, immigration, and crime."

    Did Susie Wiles ever worry during the primaries that Casey would
    manage to convince Ron to buck his donors and attack Trump from the
    right on the National Question?

    "Positive case for Trump: Built 33 miles of fence on a 2k mile
    border; Proposed taking guns away without due process cuz HE's not
    afraid of the NRA! Said he'd amnesty "Dreamers" (bossiest illegal
    aliens); Didn't end carried interest loophole- a gift to hedge
    funds." - Ann Coulter <URL:https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/1626619631497535488>

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