• MEDIA: After McConnell Tried to Blame Trump for Senate Border Bill Fail

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu Feb 1 12:15:53 2024
    The Last Refuge's Sundance on whether Casey DeSantis regrets that
    Ron was unable to secure permission from David McIntosh's Club for
    Growth to make Donald Trump regret his endorsements of Mitch McConnell
    and Jim Lankford: <URL:https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/01/25/after-mcconnell-tried-to-blame-trump-for-senate-border-bill-failure-today-mcconnell-returns-to-back-ukraine-funding-joined-to-immigration-bill/>
    | Yesterday, on the heels of the New Hampshire primary win by Donald
    | Trump, Senator McConnell intentionally fed a media narrative that a
    | border crisis deal could not be reached because candidate Trump
    | didn't want one. The media ran with the story based on comments by
    | Republican senators who were in the meeting. McConnell made those
    | comments intentionally, because he is trying to create as much
    | friction for MAGA and Trump as possible.

    What will be the Roy Beck NumbersUSA cumulative GPA for Trump's
    endorsed candidates for Senate.GOV?
    "yikes, and this on top of the photoshopping of a top DeSantis aid
    with Soros, when the original photo was actually with one of the
    most loyal Trump supporters in the country instead..." - Steve Deace <URL:https://twitter.com/SteveDeaceShow/status/1626937461308809217>

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