• MEDIA: Senate Republicans Sound Off On Leaked Border Deal Proposals, Sa

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 31 12:02:04 2024
    Daily Caller's Henry Rodgers on what will be the Roy Beck NumbersUSA
    cumulative GPA for Donald Trump's endorsements for Senate.GOV: <URL:https://dailycaller.com/2024/01/24/senate-republican-josh-hawley-mike-lee-ted-cruz-border-deal-leak-proposal/>
    | "Joe Biden could end this crisis tomorrow by reversing those three
    | decisions, by building the wall, ending catch and release and by
    | reinstating remain in Mexico. He does not wish to do so. As we sit
    | here Joe Biden is actively suing the state of Texas, trying to stop
    | the state of Texas from securing the border. And yet Republicans are
    | like Charlie Brown with Lucy and the football where they keep
    | running and falling on their ass. Because Surprise, surprise, Lucy
    | Schumer pulls the ball away."
    | The Caller contacted Republican Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford's
    | office, who was appointed by McConnell to lead the border
    | negotiations. They did not deny that the obtained leaked proposals
    | are being considered and said: "negotiations are still ongoing."
    | McConnell's office directed the Caller to Lankford's office.

    Will Trump hire Amy Swonger as liaison with the likes of Mike
    Johnson and Mitch McConnell and what will be their legislative
    priorities for Trump's first 100 days?

    "Nikki Haley is just another George (or Jeb!) Bush. She is weak on
    the border, doesn't want a wall, claimed "Legal Immigrants are more
    patriotic than most Americans these days," and she defended Obama
    when Pres. Trump criticized his terrible open-borders policy. And
    Nikki..." - Marjorie Taylor Greene <URL:https://twitter.com/mtgreenee/status/1625976342180233222>

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