• MEDIA: Nikki Haley Scored Big in College Towns, Wealthy Districts

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 30 11:55:59 2024
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
    on whether Susie Wiles recommends that Donald Trump paint Nimarata
    Haley as mouthpiece for the Cheap Labor Lobby: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/2024-election/2024/01/15/nikki-haley-did-best-college-towns-wealthy-districts/>
    | The college-town vote likely reflects Haley's self-branding as a
    | moderate -- but not voters' support for her pro-investor economic
    | promises.
    | For example, she has repeatedly told donors and supporters that she
    | will allow Fortune 500 companies to import many foreign graduates to
    | take the jobs and salaries that would otherwise go to the U.S.
    | graduates who voted for her on Monday night. Her approach to
    | migration is portrayed as "moderate" by many of the D.C. journalists
    | covering the races.

    Will Trump nominate Haley to succeed Linda Thomas-Greenfield at usun.usmission.GOV
    "But it's about salt of the earth community fighting Evil Bad Guy
    urbanites (like Donald Trump huehuehue) isn't that what right wing
    means now? Isn't this the Populist "multiracial working class"
    vision in its rapprochement with academic Marxism? Just ask Compact
    or City Journal." - Bronze Age Pervert <URL:https://twitter.com/bronzeagemantis/status/1624827225533980678>

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