• Re: Gavin Newsom Just Got More Delusional Than He Already Was

    From Capital One@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 27 11:13:18 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, tx.politics

    On 26 Jan 2024, Siri Cruise <chine.bleu@www.yahoo.com> posted some news:up2a91$39pe5$1@dont-email.me:

    Lube Up wrote:
    In addition, Newsom claimed that the GOP does not want to solve the
    nation’s border crisis and instead uses it for political purposes.
    He called the Republican Party “weak” and pathetic, claiming
    House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) doesn’t care about people’s
    freedom and rights. He also added that the GOP only cares about
    politics at the expense of the

    California borders Mexico. Why don't we have a crisis?

    Because California has border fences and LOTS of border patrol agents with
    fast quads, jeeps and 4x4s.


    https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/08/10/us/00Border-3/00Border-3-super Jumbo.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp

    The United States-Mexico border fence in Southern California, looking west.Credit...Sandy Huffaker for The New York Times

    The Texas debacle is a stunt by the Biden administration being run and
    funded by Obama activists to fuck with Texas.

    That's going to backfire on Democrats, and I hope Texas shoots anybody who attempts to prevent them from enforcing federal immigration laws.

    It's for certain Biden, Harris and Mayorkas should be shot for failing to defend the USA against invasion.

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