• MEDIA: MAGA Furious at Border Deal Backed by Republican Senators: 'Surr

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jan 22 10:29:53 2024
    Newsweek's Thomas Kika on whether Donald Trump regrets taking
    Jared Kushner's advice to downplay the National Question on the
    campaign trail against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: <URL:https://www.newsweek.com/maga-furious-border-deal-backed-republican-senators-surrender-1860511>
    | "NOOOOOOOO!!!!! This is NOT a border deal! This is a border
    | SURRENDER!!" Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia posted
    | to X. "Any elected U.S. politician that supports this doesn't
    | represent Americans, they represent the rest of the world! Don't
    | bring it to the floor, put it through a paper shredder!"
    | "The Senate Amnesty Bill is a nightmare," Representative Matt Gaetz
    | of Florida wrote in his own post. "It gives legal status to illegal
    | aliens who have gamed our system and broken our laws. It rolls out
    | the red carpet for 5,000 illegals EVERY DAY, forever. It's hard
    | enough to stop the far-left's state-sponsored invasion of our
    | Southern Border, and it's even harder when you're pulling Senator
    | Langford's daggers out of your back. I oppose the Senate Amnesty
    | Deal and will work to see its defeat."
    | "Senate Republicans are working with Chuck Schumer on a secret
    | 'deal' for AMNESTY & work permits for illegal immigrants,"
    | Representative Mary Miller of Illinois wrote. "I will vote NO on the
    | Senate Republican amnesty surrender deal. Secure the border, deport,
    | and IMPEACH! Put America first!"

    Does Susie Wiles believe Trump dodged a bullet from Ron DeSantis by
    his failure to take to Lachlan Murdoch's FoxNews.COM to warn legacy
    American proles that Trump will betray them with comprehensive
    immigration reform legislation passed by the likes of Mike Johnson
    and Mitch McConnell so long as the Cheap Labor Lobby authors include
    the magic words: "merit-based"?
    "The problem with "deporting" me is that deportations from the
    interior of the US collapsed under Trump while his administration
    funded sanctuary cities and planned to push amnesty. And if I
    returned as a drug smuggler, his policies would have given me
    leniency in sentencing. 34/ https://t.co/9krcAzyFKu" - Pedro

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