• MEDIA: USCIS rides the digitization wave, organizational accounts and o

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 21 13:06:38 2024
    Times of India's Lubna Kably on whether Donald Trump will nominate
    Never Back Down's Ken Cuccinelli to succeed Ur M Jaddou at USCIS.GOV
    and whether Mitch McConnell will consent: <URL:https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/uscis-rides-the-digitization-wave-organizational-accounts-and-online-filing-introduced-for-h-1b-visas/articleshow/106815857.cms>
    | Global immigration law firm Fragomen commented on the development,
    | noting, "The organizational account changes will allow multiple
    | individuals within an organization to collaborate on and prepare H-
    | 1B registrations and petition filings. This may also streamline the
    | current complex registration 'hand-off' process between attorney and
    | client, a pain point in the existing registration system." Employers
    | or their immigration counsel will be able to submit cap
    | registrations through their organizational accounts. USCIS expects
    | these changes to help in reducing potential duplicate H-1B
    | registrations.

    Does Casey DeSantis regret that her path to WhiteHouse.GOV was wiped
    away by Ron's inability to find sponsors among David McIntosh's Club
    for Growth willing to buy advertisements on Lachlan Murdoch's
    FoxNews.COM website with the likes of Mike Emmons warning legacy
    American proles that Trump will betray them with comprehensive
    immigration reform legislation passed by the likes of Mike Johnson and
    Mitch McConnell so long as the Cheap Labor Lobby authors include the
    magic words: "merit-based"?

    "By comparison, deportation under President Barack Obama reached an
    annual average of nearly 400,000 by 2012. And President Bush
    deported more people in 2008 than Trump did during his entire
    presidency. 24/" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1623830807520464896>

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