• Re: NYC migrant accused of fatally stabbing fellow asylum-seeker caught

    From Biden-Harris Treason@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jan 18 09:19:46 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, nyc.politics, rec.knives
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    On 06 Feb 2022, Molly Bolt <mollythebolt666@gmail.com> posted some news:a82022d2-63f8-46b7-8f16-f232e921704bn@googlegroups.com:

    Cut his penis off, deport "her" back to Mexico and see how that shit
    goes over.

    The suspected stabber accused of killing a fellow migrant over a woman
    at Randall’s Island’s tent city was captured on camera for the first
    time Friday when he appeared in Manhattan court.

    Moises Coronado, 27, was seen wearing a beige prison jumpsuit with a
    medical mask covering his face as he saw a judge for the fatal Jan. 6
    stabbing of Dafren Canizalez, 25.

    Coronado, who used a Spanish interpreter throughout the brief
    proceeding, allegedly stabbed Canizalez to death with a kitchen knife
    inside a cafeteria tent at the migrant camp, prosecutors have said.

    Two other suspects — Ferneys Horta, 33, and Anthony Navas, 27 —
    allegedly chased down Canizalez inside the cafeteria until he was
    trapped against the door — and he was stabbed in the upper chest area, according to a criminal complaint.

    Prosecutors said the trio then pursued Canizalez until he collapsed and
    bled out — which is when security intervened and found a knife inside Coronado’s pocket.

    Canizalez was rushed to Harlem Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

    The beef between Coronado and Canizalez started after Coronado had been
    talking to the fellow asylum-seeker’s girlfriend, according to law
    enforcement sources.

    Coronado pleaded not guilty at his arraignment to murder and gang
    assault charges and was remanded.

    Horta was remanded as well, while Navas is being held on $100,000 bail.

    https://nypost.com/2024/01/12/metro/migrant-stabbing-suspect-remanded-wit hout-bail-at-initial-court-appearance/

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