• Gov. Katie Hobbs presses Biden to reopen Lukeville Port of Entry; shift

    From useapen@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 11 07:35:50 2023
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    Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs pressed the Biden administration Friday to shift resources to reopen the shuttered Lukeville Port of Entry, and dedicated millions in federal funding to support the state's response to the influx
    of people crossing the southern border.

    Hobbs plans to visit the Lukeville crossing Saturday with Adjutant General Kerry Muehlenbeck, who leads the Arizona National Guard and state
    emergency response office. While there are no National Guard troops
    currently supporting border communities under Hobbs' orders, the governor
    said Friday that could change.

    That visit is to "see, on the ground, what's going on and how we can best support" and "see if perhaps there's a mission for the Guard," Hobbs told reporters after a ribbon cutting for a Habitat for Humanity Central
    Arizona construction training program.

    Hobbs' administration announced it would spend up to $5 million for the
    Arizona National Guard to support the state Department of Public Safety
    and local agencies along the border with fentanyl interdiction efforts and other tasks.

    'Dropping it pretty soon':Arizona GOP leader poised to sue Hobbs on agency confirmations

    In a letter, Hobbs asked President Joe Biden to shift some of the 243
    members of the National Guard working on federal orders in the Tucson
    sector to reopen the Lukeville port. She called on the Biden
    administration to send additional Guard members to assist if necessary.

    The recent surge in migrants "is absolutely straining our capacity, which
    is why we have continued to talk to the feds about the need for additional support," Hobbs said, taking aim at inaction from federal officials when
    it comes to addressing the border. "And again, I'll share my continued frustration at this situation and their lack of response that's costing
    the state of Arizona taxpayers."

    National Guard troops can serve on the orders of Hobbs or the president. Because immigration and border enforcement is a federal government responsibility, soldiers can only do the duties of Customs and Border Protection such as reopening the port if they are called up by the
    president, according to Hobbs' office.

    Hobbs requested the federal government repay the state over $500 million
    it has spent from a dedicated Border Security Fund created in 2021 by Republicans in the Legislature and signed into law by her predecessor, Republican Gov. Doug Ducey. That law requires Arizona's governor to
    request reimbursement from the federal government. Hobbs asked the money
    be repaid to cover the state's costs to transport migrants from the
    border, interdict drugs and support law enforcement.

    The state will also dedicate $2 million from the American Rescue Plan Act,
    a Biden-approved COVID-19 relief program, to staff a new border security
    office within the state Department of Homeland Security.

    That office will help local, state and federal agencies working at the
    border communicate, according to Hobbs' spokesperson Christian Slater.
    Hobbs announced a similar communication effort in May, prior to the
    federal government ending a public health policy called Title 42 that was
    used to turn away migrants. Slater said the new border security office
    would be more proactive about border issues and more robust because of the funding that will allow it to hire dedicated staff.

    That funding will keep the office open for a year. Slater would not say
    whether Hobbs would push to make it a permanent office, saying he would
    "wait until the executive budget comes out to speak to that.”

    Hobbs will debut a budget proposal in early January. Should it include border-related funding, the proposal might give the Democratic governor
    some common ground with Republicans, who make up the majority in both
    chambers of the Legislature.

    The Lukeville Port of Entry is about 115 miles south of Phoenix and one of
    six crossings between Arizona and Mexico. U.S. Customs and Border
    Protection closed the port Monday impacting pedestrians and vehicle
    traffic along State Route 85, a key trade and tourism route. It is the
    main road from Phoenix and Tucson to the beach town of Puerto Peñasco,
    Sonora, also known as Rocky Point.

    Federal immigration officials said officers at Lukeville were being
    reassigned to help U.S. Border Patrol agents process migrants. Since the summer, thousands of migrants have crossed the Arizona-Mexico border daily
    in the areas near Lukeville, such as Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument
    and the Tohono O'Odham Nation.

    That influx of migrants, most of whom wait to be picked up and claim
    asylum, has taxed federal immigration resources. The Border Patrol began releasing asylum seekers into southern Arizona communities in mid-
    September, prompting local governments and nonprofits to step in to
    provide those people with resources like transportation or shelter.

    Reach reporter Stacey Barchenger at stacey.barchenger@arizonarepublic.com
    or 480-416-5669.

    https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/arizona/2023/12/08/hobbs- spend-millions-border-security-lukeville-migrant-closure/71855402007/

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