• MEDIA: Senate 'Gang of Six' Negotiates Republican Giveaway on Migration

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 29 14:31:43 2023
    Via Breitbart Immigration, see Neil Munro on whether Susie Wiles
    worries that David McIntosh's Club for Growth will allow Ron DeSantis
    to use Lachlan Murdoch's FoxNews.COM to warn legacy American proles
    that Donald Trump will betray them with bipartisan comprehensive
    immigration reform passed by the likes of Mike Johnson and Mitch
    McConnell so long as the Cheap Labor Lobby includes the magic words: "merit-based": <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2023/11/22/gang-six-negotiates-republican-giveaway-migration/>
    | The bill is also backed by Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND), who drafted a
    | last-minute, fake border-security compromise in 2013 that allowed
    | the Gang of Eight's amnesty bill to pass through the Senate.
    | The Republican bill is also backed by Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND). He
    | is also pushing two other bills -- including the Eagle Act -- to
    | allow a massive inflow of foreign workers for white-collar jobs and
    | healthcare jobs that would otherwise go to North Dakota's college
    | graduates. One of his bills is backed by seven other Republican
    | senators.
    | It is not clear how many of the 32 senators who support the
    | stabilization bill have signed on for PR purposes. But at least two
    | -- Graham and Tillis -- are working with Lankford and the Democrats
    | on the compromise giveaway.

    Does Trump regret taking Jared Kushner's advice to downplay the
    National Question on the campaign trail against Joe Biden and Kamala
    ""Do something" is deliberately vague, but it's easy to imagine the ramifications. Might Ryan's presence at Fox play at least some role
    in the network's de facto blackout of Trump and his new presidential
    run? Could it be fueling the "blame Trump" narrative that Fox has
    favored to explain the midterm results?" - Darren Beattie <URL:https://www.revolver.news/2023/01/revenge-of-the-nerd-drab- paul-ryan-tries-to-defeat-trump-but-gets-stuffed-in-a-lockeragain/>

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