• MEDIA: Apple Pays $25 Million to Settle Claims It Discriminated Against

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Nov 21 12:18:21 2023
    Breitbart Tech's Lucas Nolan on whether Susie Wiles sees signs in
    her or Bill Stepien or Brad Parscale's polling for Donald Trump why
    legacy American moms and dads won't let their sons and daughters
    grow up to work Tim Cook: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2023/11/11/apple-pays-25-million-to-settle-claims-it-discriminated-against-americans-in-favor-of-hiring-foreign-workers/>
    | Critics also highlight the broader impact of these practices on the
    | U.S. professional class. They argue that the widespread use of
    | foreign contract workers, often erroneously labeled as "high-
    | skilled," from lower-grade colleges, undermines the employment
    | prospects of U.S. graduates. This situation is compounded by
    | allegations that foreign-born managers in some Fortune 500 companies
    | favor hiring from their own ethnic or regional groups, further
    | marginalizing American workers.

    Will Ron DeSantis receive permission from David McIntosh's Club for
    Growth that Trump will betray them with bipartisan comprehensive
    immigration reform passed by the likes of Mike Johnson and Mitch
    McConnell so long as the Cheap Labor Lobby includes the magic words "Merit-Based"?
    "So a guy picked by Trump to run the FDA coordinated with Twitter
    after joining Pfizer's board to suppress scientifically sound takes
    on natural immunity at a critical moment. We know this now thanks to
    Elon Musk, who Trump called a "bullshit artist."
    https://t.co/lYFZ8NlgZi" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1648853246918770689>

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