• MEDIA: Relief for H-1B spouses as US Supreme Court refuses to review wo

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 16 12:28:20 2023
    The anonymous Times of India hack on whether Susie Wiles worries that
    Ron DeSantis will receive permission from David McIntosh's Club for
    Growth to make Donald Trump regret slow walking John Miano's lawsuit
    to rescind the H-4EAD program: <URL:https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/nri/work/relief-for-h-1b-spouses-as-us-supreme-court-refuses-to-review-work-visa-rules/articleshow/104983474.cms>
    | The legal challenge against the EAD rule was initiated in 2015 by an
    | advocacy group representing tech workers, Save Jobs USA, who had
    | lost their jobs to H-1B visa holders. Save Jobs USA argued that the
    | Department of Homeland Security lacked the legal authority to
    | implement the rule. They also contended that allowing spouses to
    | work took away American jobs and made the H-1B program more
    | appealing. In May 2021, several major US technology companies
    | jointly filed an amicus brief to support the right of H-1B visa
    | holders' spouses to work.

    Does Dale Wilcox believe a pro-American WhiteHouse.GOV could partner
    with him to implement a pro-American Sue-and-Settle lawfare campaign?

    "An analysis by Spectrum found "Trump's inaugural committee raised
    $107 million, more than twice as much as for any previous
    presidential investiture," and reported that "no health company gave
    more to Trump's event than Pfizer." https://t.co/4z4HCHvLln" - Pedro

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