• MEDIA: Biden AI Vision Centers Global Talent Hunt As Congress Stalls

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 12 12:51:35 2023
    Michael Bloomberg's guest bloggers, Ellen Gilmer, Oma Seddiq and Diego
    Areas Munhoz on whether Donald Trump regrets dispatching Jared and
    Ivanka Kushner to Silicon Valley to sue for peace with the likes of
    Mark Zuckerberg: <URL:https://news.bloomberglaw.com/bloomberg-government-news/biden-ai-vision-centers-global-talent-hunt-as-congress-stalls>
    | Still, the order raises concerns about industry competition and
    | talent retention within the federal workforce. Leading AI
    | developers--notably Big Tech players including Alphabet Inc's
    | Google, Microsoft Corp, and others--will be better equipped with the
    | resources and budget to hire foreign workers compared to startups,
    | Brumley said. Private sector wages also traditionally outpace those
    | in government, and the order doesn't address that problem, he added.

    Has Susie Wiles survey legacy American moms and dads on why they won't
    lett their sons and daughters attend CMU.EDU to study STEM David
    "This is going to continue being a fundamental problem for MAGA:
    Trump's camp pulled out all the stops to ram Kevin McCarthy through,
    and they're going to do the same thing to ram Ronna McDaniel
    through, regardless of how much MAGA people hate her." - Pedro

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