• Chicago residents explode with anger over migrants, sanctuary policies:

    From Blue City Follies@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 9 00:23:55 2023
    XPost: chi.general, alt.politics.democrats, alt.law-enforcement
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    Chicago residents are expressing outrage over the Democrat-run
    sanctuary city continuing to be overwhelmed with illegal immigrants,
    putting a strain on resources and leaving less support for poorer neighborhoods.

    Former acting ICE Director Tom Homan joined "FOX & Friends" on
    Wednesday to react to the latest instance of irate residents
    confronting local officials about the consequences of liberal
    policies toward migrants.

    "Do you as a resident of the City of Chicago believe that we should
    remain a sanctuary city?" asked 41st Ward Republican Alderman
    Anthony Napolitano at a city council meeting Tuesday.


    The crowd responded by yelling a resounding "no" and erupting with
    boos and catcalls.

    "We're spending a lot of money every single day. We're up to $40
    million a month," said 9th Ward Alderman Anthony Beale, according to
    Fox 32.

    A majority of the crowd was African American residents who were
    angry about how much money is being spent on illegal immigrants.

    "The most outrageous thing about it is the local community. I've
    been contacted by two pastors in the Black community who are up in
    arms, saying the Black community has been left behind," said Homan.

    Homan compared how struggling Chicago residents are supported versus
    the illegal immigrants, who are receiving free meals and hotel rooms
    at taxpayers' expense.

    "The community is outraged and they should be," he told co-host
    Lawrence Jones, adding that sanctuary policies make the community
    less safe.

    "The sanctuary is for criminals. … That means local law enforcement
    can't work with ICE agents to deport somebody who is a public safety
    threat. … For instance, an illegal alien commits a serious crime,
    gets booked in a jail. ICE isn't even allowed to go into that jail
    and talk to them to put a detainer on to set them up for removal,"
    he said.

    City officials say the Windy City has accepted more than 19,000
    migrants since August 2022, but they are not the only ones who will
    need assistance during the winter. There are over 68,000 Chicagoans experiencing homelessness, according to a recent study, the city

    In a recent interview with FOX News host Jesse Watters, a Chicago
    resident expressed her dismay over migrants being housed at O'Hare
    Airport, police stations and even youth sports fields. The interview
    with Cata Truss came after an October city council meeting unfolded
    in similar fashion, as residents raged at new Democratic Mayor
    Brandon Johnson.

    "They are not listening. … In Chicago, it's unfortunate that our
    elected officials have always taken us for granted, but we are tired
    of being taken for granted. We are standing up and we are fighting
    back," Truss said.

    7 hours ago

    But as the saying goes, you reap what you sow. It’s easy to ignore
    until it’s at your doorstep. Too many of these northern
    states/cities have voiced tracked inclusion of open border policies
    until now when it actually reaches their own front door.

    1 hour ago

    Let me get out my Boo Hoo meter

    4 hours ago

    So, am I understanding this correctly? It’s only because one group
    doesn’t want a different group reducing their entitlements that they
    have any objections? I guess the fact that these are nearly all
    asylum frauds doesn’t matter, nor the fact that immigration laws are
    being discarded.

    https://www.foxnews.com/media/chicago-residents-explode-anger- migrants-sanctuary-policies-listening

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