• MEDIA: The ATLANTIC's "Immigration Is Bad For Inequality Article" Is No

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Nov 7 11:26:08 2023
    VDare's James Fulford on whether Susie Wiles has poll tested whether
    Donald Trump could portay himself as a tribune for legacy American
    proles by stumping for an immigration moratorium: <URL:https://vdare.com/posts/the-atlantic-s-immigration-is-bad-for-inequality-article-is-nothing-that-s-not-in-alien-nation-23-years-of-vdare-and-earlier>
    | I got a copy of Leonhardt's book Ours Was the Shining Future: The
    | Story of the American Dream, which is only partly about immigration.
    | I checked to see if, in its discussion of the history of the
    | Immigration Act it mentioned either Peter Brimelow (author of the
    | seminal 1995 book Alien Nation) or Ann Coulter, who wrote the more
    | recent Adios, America.
    | Nothing. But there are 26 instances of the word "racism" and 23
    | instances of the word "racist," so that tells you all you need to
    | know about Leonhardt's history of the 20th century.

    Does Wiles worry that a candidate to Trump's left or right could
    outflank him on the National Question by warning legacy American
    proles that Trump will betray them by inviting some percentage of
    the 8+B globe's top two quintiles into America's 335+M labor market?

    "By siding with Disney against DeSantis, Trump is defending a
    corporation that has given to him generously in the past. Maybe he
    thinks Disney will remember the favor as he runs for president
    again. Who knows. But he's on the wrong side of the issue for purely
    selfish reasons." - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1648836138063339521>

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