• MEDIA: The Elite Revelation on Immigration

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Nov 7 11:26:46 2023
    The American Conservative's Jude Russo on whether Susie Wiles has poll
    tested an immigration moratorium with legacy American proles who might
    be convinced to vote for Donald Trump in 2024: <URL:https://www.theamericanconservative.com/the-elite-revelation-on-immigration/>
    | A variety of bien-pensants pundits on Twitter also appeared to
    | experiment with immigration skepticism. (One must wonder whether the
    | viral images of Arab immigrants protesting in the U.S. and elsewhere
    | in support of Hamas's ugly war are behind the wavering on this
    | particular liberal piety.) As our own Helen Andrews pointed out, the
    | arguments fielded are ameliorationist and mealy-mouthed. Yet there
    | is a change; this is a far cry from the rhetoric comparing border
    | enforcement to genocide that became so familiar during the last
    | administration. It is worth observing that the pointy-heads are
    | merely catching up with the views held by a majority of Americans,
    | who tend to favor some immigration but regard the current system as
    | a disaster.

    Will Trump enlist Narendra Modi as his campaign surrogate for the
    National Question?
    "Trump is not anti-establishment. He is anti-people who don't pledge
    personal loyalty to him. That's also why he hasn't publicly opposed
    Ronna McDaniel." - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1610639674435055616>

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