• MEDIA: Biden's White House Will Not Revoke Visas of Pro-Hamas Foreign S

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 5 09:57:08 2023
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see John Binder
    on how many Afghans Donald Trump invited to live with him at Mar-a-
    Lago: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/10/26/bidens-white-house-will-not-revoke-visas-pro-hamas-foreign-students/>
    | Sens. Katie Britt (R-AL.), Rick Scott (R-FL), Kevin Cramer (R-ND),
    | J.D. Vance (R-OH), Ted Budd (R-NC), Pete Ricketts (R-NE), Tommy
    | Tuberville (R-AL), Ron Johnson (R-WI), John Cornyn (R-TX), and John
    | Hoeven (R-ND) have signed the resolution.
    | Meanwhile, Rubio and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) have each written to top
    | Biden officials at the State Department and the Department of
    | Homeland Security (DHS) pressing them to swiftly revoke visas and
    | deport pro-Hamas foreign students.
    | "I write to urge you to immediately deport any foreign national --
    | including and especially any alien on a student visa -- that has
    | expressed support for Hamas and its murderous attacks on Israel,"
    | Cotton wrote to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
    | "These fifth-columnists have no place in the United States," Cotton
    | wrote.

    Will Trump nominate Mike Pompeo to succeed Tony Blinken at State.GOV
    and NASSCOM/America First Policy Institute's Chad Wolf to succeed
    Mayorkas at DHS.GOV?
    Will Mitch McConnell consent?
    "George Santos rose in GOP because of his shtick as a pro-Trump gay
    Latino Jewish Ukrainian. In other words, he manipulated the very
    identity politics Republicans pretend to hate. And he did it with
    the backing of key Trump allies, like Elise Stefanik.
    https://t.co/SzCVWOixqK" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1608897768789266433>

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