• MEDIA: H-1B Visa Program: The Facts, the Process and the Controversies,

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 1 10:28:58 2023
    Michael Bloomberg's guest blogger, Andrew Kreighbaum, on whether
    Susie Wiles worries that David McIntosh's Club for Growth will allow
    Ron DeSantis to use Lachlan Murdoch's FoxNews.COM bullhorn to warn
    legacy American proles that Donald Trump will betray them with
    comprehensive immigration reform passed by Mike Johnson and Mitch
    McConnell as long as the Cheap Labor Lobby includes the magic words: "merit-based": <URL:https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-10-24/h-1b-visa-program-the-facts-the-process-and-the-controversies-explained>
    | US tech employers say American universities don't produce enough
    | mathematicians and engineers to keep pace with an economic sector
    | that expects to increase its workforce by 272,000 in 2023. They
    | point to research showing that the international talent admitted
    | under the program -- mostly workers who moved to the US for college
    | or graduate programs -- is correlated with an increase in patent
    | applications, faster growth for participating companies and lower
    | costs for consumers. The problem, businesses groups say, is that
    | artificial quotas on H-1B visas and green cards limit the number of
    | skilled workers they can add to fill critical labor shortages.

    Does Trump regret taking Jared Kushner's advice to downplay the
    National Question on the campaign trail against Joe Biden?
    "I regret to inform you that Team Trump is pushing the idea that Ron
    DeSantis ousted Tucker, who was, ironically, the only Fox host to
    publicly challenge Sidney Powell's 2020 election claims. https://t.co/DDDEsUqjcy" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1650587875119882241>

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