• Re: NYC spends $5 billion on freebies for ILLEGAL ALIENS. $7 million fo

    From dirk@21:1/5 to HangTextDrivers on Mon Oct 30 03:22:32 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, nyc.politics, ny.politics
    XPost: alt.politics.democrats

    HangTextDrivers <hangtextdrivers@gmail.com> wrote in news:1419c4c8-1414-45d9-9a01-aaa25f4e8c67n@googlegroups.com:

    Of course this is insane, but it is also against the law. Section 1324
    title 8 makes it a federal felony to do anything that encourages
    illegal aliens to live here. But our president, Joe the Pedophile Vegetable, says 70 million illegal aliens are above the law.

    https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12666301/Migrants-NYC-costing- taxpayer-5BN.html

    oct 29 2023REVEALED: Migrants in New York City hotels and shelters are costing the taxpayer $5BILLION: Eyewatering contracts show $140m is
    being spent on security, $45m on asylum applications and $7m on

    New York City has signed nearly 200 eyewatering emergency contracts
    totaling over $5billion to house and care for migrants, paying as much
    as $140M for security, $45million in legal aid services and $7million
    in laundry.

    Mayor Eric Adams has signed $5,056,744,415 in nearly 200 contracts for migrant services since last year, when he declared a state of
    emergency, allowing City Hall to bypass a competitive bidding process
    to address the surge of asylum seekers.

    More than 120,000 migrants have arrived in the city in the last 18
    months, with over 60,000 of them still staying in the city's shelters.
    Adams, a Democrat, has said NYC could have more than 100,000 migrants
    in homeless shelters by 2025 and has warned the situation could
    'destroy' New York.

    Destroying New York would be a good thing. Think of all the Democrats
    that could die.

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