• MEDIA: For international students, legal constraints make finding emplo

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 24 10:50:54 2023
    Daily Princetonian's Claire Meng, Sandeep Mangat, and Michelle Miao
    on who Donald Trump has in mind to succeed Miguel Cardona at Ed.GOV
    since Betsy DeVos defected to Ron DeSantis and whether Mitch McConnell
    will consent: <URL:https://www.dailyprincetonian.com/article/2023/10/princeton-news-contentmeeting-careers-internation-layoff-h1b>
    | Joseph says that he has used Handshake, a website with job and
    | internship listings available to all Princeton students, to search
    | for opportunities and has noticed that when he filters for postings
    | that are willing to sponsor international students, "the list
    | decreases dramatically."
    | "And they are heavily concentrated in certain industries like
    | consulting, finance, and tech. So the options for international
    | students are quite limited in that regard," he added.
    | Tech and consulting companies are, on average, best at sponsoring
    | international students, leading students in certain academic fields
    | to be further shut out of the job market. Joseph told the 'Prince'
    | that students who are uninterested in those fields "have the
    | disadvantage."

    Will David McIntosh's Club for Growth allow DeSantis to use Lachlan
    Murdoch's campaign bullhorn to warn legacy American proles that Trump
    won't close the spigot to the Cheap Labor Lobby's F-1 to OPT to H-1B
    scab worker import pipeline that he left open between 2017 and 2021?
    "This is one of Trump's best, most incisive and most informed policy announcements Too bad it's getting overshadowed by the NFT nonsense
    Fire the moron grifter who suggested the NFT thing and promote
    whoever advised on the speech announcement" - Darren Beattie <URL:https://twitter.com/DarrenJBeattie/status/1603473218601472000>

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