• MEDIA: Immigration At Second GOP Debate--No Mention of Moratorium, But

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 5 10:56:40 2023
    VDare's Peter Brimelow on whether Susie Wiles fears that any 2024
    candidate will outflank Donald Trump from the right on the National
    Question: <URL:https://vdare.com/articles/vdare-com-video-supercut-immigration-at-second-gop-debate-no-mention-of-moratorium-but-border-birthright-citizenship-abolition-lethal-force>
    | But no mention of reducing LEGAL immigration.
    | Much less an immigration moratorium. This is somewhat disappointing
    | because Ron DeSantis has in the past implied skepticism about legal
    | immigration. But, again, he failed to use the issue to outflank the
    | field, and Trump.
    | In fact, Chris Christie lets the mask slip and tells legal
    | immigrants "we want you here in this country."
    | Wall Street Journal Editorial Page-type mindless immigration
    | enthusiasm is not dead, it's just hiding.

    When Club for Growth's David McIntosh tested advertisements to
    deflate support for Trump from legacy American proles, did he test
    Trump Disappointment Syndrome?
    "The Log Cabin Republicans attacked @MattRinaldiTX for faithfully
    representing the socially conservative views of Texas Republicans.
    They launched a full-court press to demonize Rinaldi but it failed.
    These are the people trump is hosting. https://t.co/Dob3NpDdgR" -
    Pedro Gonzalez

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