• Re: Chicago housing hundreds of migrants at O?Hare airport, raising saf

    From Open fire@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 1 23:29:42 2023
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, chi.general, rec.travel.air
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    On 06 Jul 2023, Johnny <nowomr@protonmail.com> posted some news:u86aqp$tumf$1@dont-email.me:

    Shoot them at the border. They are illegal invaders. Kill them.

    Hundreds of migrants have been living in a terminal at Chicago’s O’Hare
    Airport — some for weeks — as the Second City struggles to keep pace with
    the flood of asylum seekers flowing into the city.

    About 500 migrants — from babies to the elderly — have been housed behind
    a heavy black curtain in a shuttle-bus terminal at the busy airport as
    Chicago officials scramble to set up tent cities to accommodate more than 14,000 asylum seekers flown in over the past year.

    The migrants sleep on cardboard pads on the floor, share public bathrooms
    and occasionally slip out from behind the curtain, dozing just feet from passing travelers — with a private company hired to keep tabs on them.

    “It was supposed to be a stop-and-go place,” said Vianney Marzullo, a
    volunteer at the airport. “It’s very concerning. It is not just a safety
    matter but a public-health matter.”

    Much like New York and other Democratic “Sanctuary Cities” that deal with migrants more leniently, Chicago has struggled to keep pace with the
    influx of asylum seekers, slowly moving people out of temporary spaces and
    into shelters and, in the near future, tents.

    https://nypost.com/2023/10/01/chicago-is-keeping-hundreds-of-migrants-at- airports-while-waiting-on-shelters-and-tents/

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