• MEDIA: Harlandale ISD recruits international teachers to fill shortage,

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 29 11:42:44 2023
    KSAT's Camelia Juarez on whether Susie Wiles has detected signs in
    her surveys of legacy American proles for Donald Trump on why
    American moms and dads won't let their sons and daughters grow up
    to be ESL teachers: <URL:https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2023/09/21/harlandale-isd-recruits-international-teachers-to-fill-shortage-provide-new-student-opportunities/>
    | Finding teachers for the classroom continues to be challenging, so
    | Harlandale ISD is searching for talented teachers across borders.
    | Harlandale ISD is short 60 teachers this year. With that kind of
    | understaffing, board members are broadening their talent search by
    | sponsoring work visas.
    | "I think it's a win-win situation for everybody. You know, we're
    | helping those international teachers get here to the United States
    | and teach here in American schools. And at the same time, we are
    | providing our students with even more opportunities," Veraza said.

    How much do American moms and dads want their sons and daughters to
    earn for stepping foot into Harlandale and San Antonio classrooms?
    "Trump CHOSE Fauci to lead his covid response team. Can't imagine
    how criticizing Fauci absolves Trump." - Ann Coulter <URL:https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/1602537771679227904>

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