• Re: Woke Asshole Sanctuary NYC Prepares To Spend $1 Billion To Put Up M

    From Kamala Suck-em-silly@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 27 19:40:51 2023
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, nyc.politics, sac.politics
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    On 26 Sep 2023, MAGA <nowomr@protonmail.com> posted some news:uf00md$2ora2$5@dont-email.me:

    Give every American a gun and have them clean up the immigration

    New York City is preparing to spend more than $1 billion on hotel room
    rentals for migrants over the next three years, marking the latest
    challenge for the city in its struggle to accommodate the thousands of
    migrants arriving each week.

    The city's new revised contract with hotels will cost around $1.365
    billion over the next three years and only cover rental fees for more
    than 100 hotels that have been converted into migrant shelters, the New
    York Post reported. It does not include the other amenities and services
    the city must provide for the individuals who found their way to the
    city after crossing the southern border.

    Migrants have been sleeping in the bar area of one hotel that's been overcrowded amid the surge.

    Polling from last month found that 82 percent of New Yorkers believe the
    recent migrant influxes are a "serious" problem, and 54 percent said it
    is "very serious."

    New York governor Kathy Hochul (D.) recently said that migrants should
    go somewhere other than New York if they come to the United States.

    New York has to "message properly that we're at our limit," Hochul said
    on CNN last week. "If you're going to leave your country, go somewhere

    Mayor Eric Adams (D.) said earlier this month the migrant crisis will
    "destroy" the city.

    https://freebeacon.com/latest-news/nyc-prepares-to-spend-1-billion-to-put -up-migrants-in-hotels-for-next-three-years/

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