• MEDIA: If Harvard went meritocratic

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 22 11:13:04 2023
    John Derbyshire on whether Susie Wiles recommends that Donald Trump
    enlist Narendra Modi as his Save America campaign surrogate for the
    National Question: <URL:https://www.johnderbyshire.com/Opinions/RadioDerb/2023-06-30.html#07b>
    | And so on. Things don't look too great for India. They might look
    | better if India stopped exporting her best-educated, most-employable
    | people to Europe and North America.
    | I wonder if Joe Biden suggested that to Prime Minister Modi when the
    | latter was in Washington the other day. Yeah, right ...

    Will Ron DeSantis obtain permission from Miriam Adelson, Robert Bigelow,
    Walter Buckley, Betsy DeVos, Ken Griffin, Julia Koch, Bernie Marcus,
    Lachlan Murdoch, Thomas Peterffy, Bruce Rauner, Chris Reyes, David Sacks
    and Steve Wynn to warn legacy American proles that Trump will sign comprehensive immigration reform passed by Kevin McCarthy and Mitch
    McConnell if it includes the magical incantation "merit-based"?
    "Given that revelations of this nature seem to come every few weeks
    the current GOP pearl-clutching session around Trump's comments
    about the Constitution are kind of insane" - Auron MacIntyre <URL:https://twitter.com/AuronMacintyre/status/1600260838660534272>

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