• MEDIA: Democrat-Corporate Alliance: Big Banks, BlackRock, Pfizer Back H

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 9 10:21:29 2023
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see John Binder
    on whether Donald Trump regrets discarding Ann Coulter's advice to
    repeal the Carried Interest Loophole: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/08/29/democrat-corporate-alliance-big-banks-blackrock-pfizer-back-hochul-plan-to-have-americans-bail-out-new-york-for-illegal-immigration/>
    | Executives who signed the letter represent corporations like Pfizer,
    | Paramount, JPMorgan Chase, BlackRock, the WNBA, Citibank, Macy's,
    | AlleyCorp, Wells Fargo, Blackstone, Etsy, Goldman Sachs, Hearst,
    | Maverick Capital, McGraw Hill, Tapestry Inc., the Georgetown
    | Company, MetLife Inc., the IBM Corporation, LVMH, HSBC Bank USA,
    | Deutsche Bank, Vox Media, and Apollo Global Management, among
    | others.
    | "... we urge you to take immediate action to better control the
    | border and the process of asylum and provide relief to the cities
    | and states that are bearing the burdens posed by the influx of
    | asylum seekers," the executives write to Biden.
    | A number of the executives who signed the letter served as major
    | donors to Hochul's gubernatorial re-election bid last year against
    | former Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY).
    | Hochul donors whose companies signed the letter include those linked
    | to Vornado Realty Trust, the Related Companies, Tishman Speyer, the
    | Fisher Brothers, and Standard Industries.

    Does Susie Wiles fear that Miriam Adelson, Robert Bigelow, Betsy DeVos,
    Ken Griffin, Julia Koch, Bernie Marcus, Lachlan Murdoch, David Sacks
    and Steve Wynn will allow Ron DeSantis to seize Trump's right on the
    National Question by calling out the Cheap Labor Lobby for socializing
    the costs and privatizing the profits from importing scab workers?

    BTW Ann Coulter on Donald Trump's preference for the Cheap Labor
    Lobby over his legacy American prole voters: <URL:https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/1555631114881941504>
    | Nice job, Republicans. Wall Street hates you and yet you let
    | DEMOCRATS get the credit for "narrowing" the carried interest
    | loophole (totally unfair tax scam). There's still time to claim
    | credit! Please demand that it be ENDED ENTIRELY.
    | https://t.co/DFOWwX7Hu2

    "DeSantis and RFK Jr. are the two insurgent candidates. DeSantis'
    competence threatens the Trump and GOP grift. He can actually do
    what Trump only talks about doing, which is why he's a problem for
    Republican politicians and conservative pundits who make their
    living by selling..." - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1670257625810755585>

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