• MEDIA: Fox News Moderators Do Not Ask Question on Immigration During Fi

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 6 11:07:05 2023
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see John Binder
    on whether Lachlan Murdoch will allow Ron DeSantis to use the
    FoxNews.COM bullhorn to make the 2024 election a referendum on the
    National Question: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/08/23/fox-news-moderators-do-not-ask-single-question-on-immigration-in-1st-hour-of-gop-debate/>
    | While likely Republican voters say immigration is among their top
    | issues heading into the 2024 presidential election, Fox News
    | moderators Bret Baier and Martha McCallum did not ask a single
    | question on the subject in the first hour of the network's GOP
    | debate on Wednesday night.
    | During the first hour of the debate, moderators did not ask any
    | questions about how Republican presidential hopefuls would end
    | illegal immigration and whether they would back reductions to legal
    | immigration levels.
    | Instead, Baier and McCallum focused their attention on climate
    | change, gun control, abortion rights, Ukraine, and the charges
    | against former President Donald Trump regarding the 2020 election.

    Will DeSantis invite the likes of Mike Emmons to warn legacy American
    proles that Donald Trump will sign "merit-based" comprehensive
    immigration reform passed by Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell?
    "I don't want to see Trump make the same mistakes he did in 2018,
    2020, and 2022. He must BREAK FREE from the influence of consultants
    and advisors and the GOP. LET TRUMP BE TRUMP. I am not giving up
    hope... we saw flashes of it at the OH rally last week and in his
    press release about DeSantis after the midterms. WE WANT OUR GREAT
    LEADER BACK." - Nick Fuentes <URL:https://truthsocial.com/@nickjfuentes/109354025820478100>

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