• MEDIA: GOP Immigration Debate Shifts to Wages

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 5 10:14:12 2023
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
    on whether Donald Trump regrets taking Jared Kushner's advice to
    downplay the National Question on the campaign trail against Joe Biden
    and Kamala Harris: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2023/08/23/gop-immigration-debate-shifts-to-wages/>
    | Former Vice President Mike Pence answered Breitbart's wage question
    | by arguing that inflation will drop as illegal migrants are sent
    | home:
    || If we end illegal immigration, we'll cut that number down by a
    || quarter, and American citizens can expect to notice it in their
    || pocketbook as their money no longer gets debased by Bidenflation.
    | Pence also promised to implement the E-Verify system to deter the
    | hiring of illegal migrants: "Yes, and the federal government must
    | pick up the tab for implementation and not thrust another unfunded
    | mandate on the American people."
    | Aides to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis responded, "DeSantis will seek to
    | reduce immigration that undercuts American jobs and wages. The
    | immigration system should provide a net benefit to Americans, our
    | economy, and our country."
    | DeSantis's deputies also cited wages in response to a question about
    | reforming the H-1B program used to import foreign graduates for U.S.
    | jobs, saying:
    || Ron DeSantis believes that the H1-B program has been used to
    || undercut American wages and will work to reform the program to
    || ensure that H1-B visas do not displace or undermine American
    || workers.
    | The deputies added:
    || The United States should not have an immigration system that is
    || going to lower wages for working Americans. The level of immigration
    || permitted, skilled and unskilled, should be that which is best for
    || America--and not set according to the demands of foreign entities or
    || political trends. This will be the outlook utilized by the DeSantis
    || Administration when making such policy determinations.

    Will the 2024 presidential election be permitted to become a referendum
    on how many of the 8+B globe should be welcomed into the 333+M United

    See Gina Raimondo's Census.GOV Population Clock: <URL:https://www.census.gov/popclock/>
    "@NewsweekOpinion This is the latest known beneficiary of Trump's
    First Step Act--the Biden administration actually *opposed* his
    release: "A convicted terrorist financier serving a 30-year sentence
    in U.S. federal prison was recently released under the First Step
    Act after serving only 23 years,..." - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1671325586365530117>

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