• MEDIA: Open Borders, Fake Morality: Maybe NIGERIA Could Use Some Of The

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 25 13:03:47 2023
    VDare's John Derbyshire on whether Ron DeSantis will outflank Donald
    Trump from the right by asking legacy American proles whether its
    right and just to poach the top two quintiles from the 8+B globe's
    shithole nations: <URL:https://vdare.com/posts/open-borders-fake-morality-maybe-nigeria-could-use-some-of-the-nigerian-doctors-we-re-poaching>
    | And things are going to get worse. This article quotes something
    | called The Association of Resident Doctors--resident in Nigeria,
    | that is--as saying that 85 percent of doctors still in the country
    | are planning to emigrate. And, quote: "Many thousands of other
    | talented Nigerians are trying to leave," end quote.
    | That's an aspect of our immigration policy--ours and Britain's and
    | Canada's and the oil-rich Gulf States--that you don't hear much
    | about. We're strip-mining the Third World of its Smart Fraction.
    | Do world-saver globalist progressives ever talk about this? Not that
    | I've heard.

    What does Susie Wiles surveys of potential Trump 2024 voters indicate
    about their preferences for how many of the 8+B globe America should
    "On his way to meet Trump at Mar-a-Lago yesterday, Kanye West was
    filmed walking through Miami's airport with misogynistic antisemitic
    white nationalist Christian fascist incel Nick Fuentes. https://t.co/Jn3bKtt9JE" - Right Wing Watch <URL:https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1595491893722615808>

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