• MEDIA: Defend Trump and 'Hammer' Ramaswamy: DeSantis Allies Reveal Deba

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Aug 23 08:28:43 2023
    H/T Sundance, <URL:https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/08/17/good-news-president-trump-confirms-he-will-not-be-attending-the-first-loser-fox-news-gope-debate/#more-250050>
    see Carlos Slim's guest bloggers, Jonathan Swan, Shane Goldmacher and
    Maggie Haberman on whether legacy American proles will be allowed to
    vote for a referendum on an immigration moratorium in the 2024
    election: <URL:https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/17/us/politics/desantis-debate-strategy.html>
    | Mr. Ramaswamy, who has been creeping close to Mr. DeSantis in some
    | public polling, is the only candidate about whom two separate
    | documents described vulnerabilities that Mr. DeSantis could attack.
    | One lays out Mr. Ramaswamy's past statements about abortion,
    | immigration policy and Covid masks, among a long list of subjects.
    | The other is a lengthy opposition-research document on his positions
    | and past actions.

    Will Miriam Adelson, Robert Bigelow, Betsy DeVos, Ken Griffin, Julia
    Koch, Bernie Marcus, Lachlan Murdoch, David Sacks and Steve Wynn allow
    Ron DeSantis to warn legacy American proles that Donald Trump will
    sign "merit-based" immigration reform passed by Kevin McCarthy and
    Mitch McConnell?

    "When I was 18, people called me Donald Trump. When he was 18,
    @BarackObama was Barry Soweto. Weird." - Donald Trump <URL:https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/179228808891731968>

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