• MEDIA: Why Getting Labor Market Dropouts to Work Is Difficult

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Aug 23 08:29:31 2023
    Morris Dees and $PLC certified deplorable, David North, on whether
    Susie Wiles worries that Miriam Adelson, Robert Bigelow, Betsy DeVos,
    Ken Griffin, Julia Koch, Bernie Marcus, Lachlan Murdoch, David Sacks
    and Steve Wynn will allow Ron DeSantis to hand their campaign bullhorn
    to the likes of Mike Emmons to stump for an immigration moratorium: <URL:https://cis.org/North/Why-Getting-Labor-Market-Dropouts-Work-Difficult>
    | My colleague Steve Camarota frequently points out that the "need"
    | for foreign workers is overstated by employers because America has a
    | large number of working-age Americans who are neither working nor
    | seeking work; he set that figure at 54.5 million in 2022.
    | His point - a good one - is that were employers to make a serious
    | effort to recruit from that vast pool of workers, there would be no
    | need for any overseas workers. Some in this group, of course, are
    | college students and others are new mothers, but there are tens of
    | millions of others whom employers could well draw into the job
    | market, if sufficiently motivated to try. Many of them are men with
    | less than a college education, a population that used to make major
    | contributions to factory staffing.

    Will DeSantis ask Trump what percentage of the 8B+ globe he will
    admit in his second term?
    "@NewsweekOpinion This is the latest known beneficiary of Trump's
    First Step Act--the Biden administration actually *opposed* his
    release: "A convicted terrorist financier serving a 30-year sentence
    in U.S. federal prison was recently released under the First Step
    Act after serving only 23 years,..." - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1671325586365530117>

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