• MEDIA: Tech groups seek changes to H-1B lottery

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 20 11:26:29 2023
    TechTarget's Patrick Thibodeau on whether Susie Wiles is concerned
    that Ron DeSantis might be unleashed by Miriam Adelson, Robert
    Bigelow, Betsy DeVos, Ken Griffin, Julia Koch, Bernie Marcus, Lachlan
    Murdoch, David Sacks and Steve Wynn to make Donald Trump regret slow-
    walking the upgrade of the Cheap Labor Lobby's scab worker import
    quota lottery to a wage-ranked queue: <URL:https://www.techtarget.com/searchhrsoftware/news/366548176/Tech-groups-seek-changes-to-H-1B-lottery>
    | Tech immigration groups and the American Immigration Lawyers
    | Association (AILA) have proposed a different lottery plan to the
    | U.S. Department of Homeland Security, which oversees the USCIS.
    | As it works today, multiple employers can submit a visa registration
    | for the same individual, and all those registrations are entered
    | into the lottery. The proposed plan suggests "the lottery should be
    | run based on the individual beneficiary rather than each
    | registration," said Shev Dalal-Dheini, director of government
    | relations at the AILA.
    | "This means that a beneficiary who has 10 employers file a
    | registration on [his] behalf will have the same chance of winning
    | the visa lottery as someone who has one employer file a registration
    | on [his] behalf," Dalal-Dheini said.

    Will Trump sign comprehensive immigration reform passed by Kevin
    McCarthy and Mitch McConnell if it includes "merit-based"?

    "Jack Smith is fmr. chief of Obama DOJ's Public Integrity Section.
    Smith prosecuted fmr. VA Gov. Bob McDonnell, a potential GOP
    presidential contender. Supreme Court unanimously (8-0; Scalia died)
    reversed conviction. But political career destroyed. Same play now
    with Trump." - Mike Davis <URL:https://twitter.com/mrddmia/status/1593846025508118529>

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