• MEDIA: House GOP Shows Signs Of Life On Impeachment, Birthright Citizen

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 4 08:19:39 2023
    VDare's Washington Watcher II on who Donald Trump will nominate to
    succeed Alejandro Mayorkas at DHS.GOV and whether Mitch McConnell
    will consent: <URL:https://vdare.com/articles/house-gop-shows-signs-of-life-on-impeachment-birthright-citizenship-so-why-go-out-of-session>
    | The other problem with a Biden impeachment: it might persuade the
    | GOP not to impeach Mayorkas. Republicans may decide to focus on the
    | bigger target. The powerful Republican Study Committee wants
    | Mayorkas to be the primary focus of impeachment proceedings. While
    | Biden deserves removal, a Mayorkas impeachment is guaranteed to push
    | the immigration issue front and center. A Biden impeachment might
    | not do so. It might also be easier for wimps to impeach Mayorkas
    | because he's so unpopular. Impeaching the president is far riskier
    | [Judiciary GOP torn on Mayorkas impeachment as conference eyes other
    | options, by Rebecca Beitsch, The Hill, July 26, 2023].

    Is America First Policy Institute's Chad Wolf in the running to lead
    Trump's DHS.GOV?

    "Laura Loomer in front of a weather green screen with a graphic of
    Donald Trump's bunker in Florida and a BBQ grill indicating
    DeSantis' location in the eye of the storm in Iowa" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1657510766721875969>

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