• MEDIA: The False Employer Lament

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 28 12:34:20 2023
    Institute for Sound Public Policy's Joe Guzzardi on whether Susie
    Wiles fears that Miriam Adelson, Ken Griffin, Lachlan Murdoch and
    David Sacks will allow Ron DeSantis to make Donald Trump respond to
    his record on legacy American prole dispossession: <URL:https://joeguzzardi.substack.com/p/the-false-employer-lament>
    | Despite so many new residents, CareerSource Palm Beach County
    | officials said that their analysis of 2023 H-2B foreign worker visa
    | applications showed that a record 52 employers, including hotels,
    | clubs and resorts, are seeking to bring people from other countries
    | to fill an also record number of positions, 3,123. President Donald
    | Trump's Mar-a-Lago and other ritzy golf clubs are among the visa
    | petitioners.
    | Companies filing requests this year include The Breakers in Palm
    | Beach, BallenIsles Country Club also in Palm Beach Gardens and The
    | Polo Club of Boca Raton. Listed too are 111 positions for the Mar-a-
    | Lago club that serves as the former president's main residence and
    | another 51 jobs for Trump's golf clubs in Jupiter and suburban West
    | Palm Beach.

    Will Rupert Murdoch loan Ken Cuccinelli and Steve Cortes his bullhorn
    to warn legacy American proles that Trump will betray them on the
    National Question?
    ""Hold off on the [Ron] DeSantis thing." Leaked messages from
    Breitbart's internal chats reveal efforts by Matthew Boyle, a top
    pro-Trump editor, to censor content showing DeSantis in a positive
    light. I spoke to people familiar with the matter:
    https://t.co/XwAmn5sGrf" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1653113128731697176>

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